WHAT DO WE NOT KNOW OF THE MOON? The moon does not have the Earth as the center of its orbit. It orbits closer to the Earth and then moves further away. What this means for the moon is that it gets compressed by the Earth's gravity each time it approaches. It then gets released as it draws further away. The result is thousands and thousands of moonquakes. The moonquakes create friction. This in turn generates heat. The heat actually liquifies the moon rock. The moon is not cold inside. It is hot. That molten moon material spews out, and mainly on one side of the moon, the near side. The far side of the moon is relatively free from the liquid magna, which on the moon is called maria. This maria is the darker and smoother parts of the moon, very evident with the naked eye when you look up from Earth. The maria is not studded with craters like the other whiter parts of the surface. It is obvious that the maria, by having far less craters, is recent, compared to the surface where there is no maria. That suggests that the moon was not in the current orbit with Earth and was once all covered in craters. The moon rocks that were brought back from the moon by the Apollo missions have shown the moon to be about two billion years older than the Earth. The age of the moon is likely different to how long it has been around the Earth. There are references from the Greeks to Tibetans to Finland, of those who arrived on this planet with the moon, and that they are not us. These references date at around ten to thirteen thousand years ago, which is around when the last ice age ended. The moon also does not rotate in the Earth's plane. The Earth tilts. The moon rotates around the Earth in a plane in line with the sun. This might suggest that the moon might have been a planet once, orbiting the sun in its own right, but it came into the Earth's orbit recently. The moon has been reported as hollow. There have been tests done on the moon when the Apollo missions were there and the moon tended to ring hollow. This may not be unusual if the moon's inside heats up and spews out over its surface. The moon has its own one and a half degree tilt off its axis, as the Earth has its tilt. The moon is mainly made from titanium, a relatively rare metal on Earth, extremely strong, and excellent for making space craft. It is different to the Earth's make up. That is it. The moon is a strange place. Nick Broadhurst is the author of science fiction books, children's picture books, and comics. He also writes articles on contemporary philosophy. For a living he is an architect, building contractor, building inspector, and worked in many countries.